
Cosmic Battle and Political Conflict: Studies in Verbal Syntax and Contextual Interpretation of Daniel 8 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This study offers a fresh appreciation of the various literary elements and genres that constitute Daniel 8 as a whole. Namely, these are the narrative frame, the vision report itself as well as its application to Jewish history under Antiochus IV. While situating the message of this chapter within the Book of Daniel, it also shows the importance of the Ancient Neat Eastern context for the...

other synonyms for “he-goat” are also used, are attested as the objects of veneration. This is the case in Lev 17:7 and 2 Chr 11:15—this latter passage suggests that Jeroboam I had established a special cult for them. According to some texts, they were closely associated with demoniac dances, see for example Isa 13:21: וּשְׂעִירִים יְרַקְּדוּ.368 The apocalyptic wasteland, which they were believed to inhabit after God’s judgment on the nations (Isa 34:14), may in the end resemble somehow the apparently
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